Registration For SPARC

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SPARC is a flagship initiative under the leadership of Union Civil Aviation Minister Shri Ram Mohan Naidu Ji, designed to foster innovation in the aviation sector by providing startups, think tanks, research groups and companies a structured platform to present their innovative ideas and solutions.

Through this platform, the Ministry not only supports startups but also leverages their innovative insights to refine policies that align with the sector’s dynamic needs and aspirations.


  1. Register on the official SPARC portal by submitting the required details as specified.
  2. Screening: Entries to be evaluated by a panel of ministry officials, industry leaders and domain experts based on a predefined criteria (Innovation, Feasibility, Impact, Scalability)  
  3. Video Conference Round: Shortlisted entries would be invited to present their work via video conference to an evaluation panel.  
  4. Round Table Discussion with Hon'ble Minister: Selected entries to be invited for an exclusive round table meeting with Hon’ble Civil Aviation Minister Sh. Ram Mohan Naidu Ji.   
  5. Honor & Appreciation: Impactful entries would be awarded a 'Certificate of Recognition' by Hon'ble Minister and will get access to a mentorship panel comprising ministry officials, industry leaders and sector experts.
Stage of Development


Please upload your organization's presentation deck, ensuring it follows the provided guidelines.
You will have a 15-minute time slot to present, covering the following points:

  1. Overview of the Company & Team:
    Brief background of your company and team.
  2. Problem Statement:
    Clear articulation of the problem being addressed.
  3. Solution to the Problem:
    Detailed description of your proposed solution.
    Any preliminary results or proof of concept, if available.

Please ensure your presentation is concise, focused, and effectively conveys your ideas.

One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, ppt.

Please feel free to contact us on the Email :-